Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blessing Day

July 4th is always a nice day. It is the day most American's celebrate our independence. I have always liked this holiday, mostly for fireworks and Neil Diamonds tribute to America. This year though, it was special for another reason. Logan was given a name and blessed in our LDS Church ward in Eagle Mountain. I was able to perform the ordinance along with two of my brothers, my father, Jess' father, two of Jess' brothers, two brothers-in-law, and our good bishop. Many other family members came to share in this special day for Logan.

Logan was given the name Logan Heikki Armstrong. We really like the name Logan, and partially he may be named after Logan city, where I grew up and where Jess went to college. His middle name, Heikki, is after his great-great grandfather Heikki Kahkonen (Americanized as Henry Kohkonen). Heikki Kahkonen immigrated to the United States from Finland to work. He made his way to Utah and worked for the coal mines in central Utah. My mom Carol has a great blog about him if you'd like to learn more about him. When choosing his middle name, we both just felt a connection to our ancestors and wanted Logan to also share in his heritage.

After the blessing, we had family and friends come over for lunch. We are so grateful to all of our family members who came to support us. It was an absolutely wonderful day. For those of you who couldn't make it, hopefully you can enjoy the photos below to see Logan on his special day.

Logan in his full get-up. We opted not to make him wear the hat in Church, but forced it upon him for some candid shots later.

Logan with his mom.

Logan laying on a blanket his great-grandmother Eva Kohkonen made for him.

Logan with his grandma and grandpa Mecham.

Logan with his grandma and grandpa Armstrong.

Classic four generation picture.

Logan and his proud grandpa Armstrong.

Thanks again to everyone for your love and support. We look forward to having the rest of our friends and family come and meet Logan.


  1. Love those pictures, sorry we were not in attendance for the wonderful day! I can't believe you didn't make him wear the hat, it completes the outfit! J/K The blessing is very cute, especially the little vest.

  2. Logan is such a handsome boy. Jessica looks awesome! We are excited to see all of you someday!

  3. Good-looking guy... especially with his little smirk in that first picture.
