Sunday, January 24, 2010

Count the Camaro...among my favorite cars

Six months ago, I wrote a blog about the Cache Valley Cruise-In and the many Camaro's that could be seen dragging main street. If you didn't notice my subtle sarcastic humor, I wasn't exactly complementary of the Camaro, nor did I intend to be. I never really thought that Chevy non-Corvette sports cars were that cool, and if you drove one, you probably wore tank tops and Levi cutoffs. I know this is a harsh generalization, and I apologize to all who have stuck with the Camaro through the years.

Admittedly, I have hopped on the Camaro bandwagon, especially after having seen the new redesign up close and even sat in one at the recent Salt Lake City Auto Show. I was so impressed that I have even come to the self realization that of the newly designed sports cars of yesteryear, the Camaro would be my top choice for purchase. Jess agrees they are nice cars, but has stuck with her love of the Ford Mustang. That means that eventually, we will just have to have two sports cars, instead of one.

Now, this does not mean that the next time we drive up to your house, that Jess will be in a Mustang, and I will be in a Camaro. In fact, if it were up to me, we would both pull up in a Ford Fusion Hydbrid, having driven 700 miles on a single tank of gas. But, the auto show has made me much more sympathetic to the Camaro, and I will no longer subject the Camaro to my sarcastic wit.

Jess standing by her all back Camaro at the Auto Show.

I continue to love red cars.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Case of the Suspicious Spectacles

On January 8 at approximately 10:15 pm, I came up with the title to this blog. The events I am about to describe are real, or at least made up to sound real.

The holidays brought lots of visitors to our normally quiet abode. The season began by an expected visit in early December by the owner of the home we currently occupy. He came, he ate, and he left.

We had a day after Christmas party that was attended by most of the Jessica's family (aka "the in-laws"). They came, some of them ate, and some of them left.

New Years Eve brought another gathering to our home. This time, my friends from yesteryear came over to catch up on life and celebrate the decade now past.

After life settled back to normal and visitors stopped making the trek to Western Utah Valley, we decided to finally clean the house. As we did so, we noticed a pair of glasses that belong to neither myself nor to Jessica. This enigmatic eyeware was spotted between the arm and cushion of a little used armchair in the corner of the family room.

"How unusual?" I thought.

I quickly acted to crack the case. I texted all of my friends who were at the party. I sent an email to our December guest. And Jess texted her mother who invariably got the word around to "the in-laws." So far, no one has claimed these furtive frames.

Here is the evidence: A pair of glasses.

So, now I turn to you, my faithful readers to help me decipher how these glasses ended up tucked away in a green armchair.

Below is a picture of the specs spoken of. The lego man is not evidence in the case. He serves to hopefully bedeck an otherwise boring picture and provide scale lest any of you think that these glasses are either too large or too small to be owned by a human of usual size (an h.o.u.s.).

My determination to solve this case is wavering. I fear life-altering consequences such as prolonged blurry vision unless the glasses are returned to their rightful owner. If any of you can supply additional information, please email, text, or comment. There is no reward.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Recently updated blog

In a recent Christmas letter that I wrote and sent out to many friends and family, I encouraged everyone to check my blog and promised that it would be updated. Actually, I used the phrase "recently updated." I was actually hoping that no one would check the blog between the time they received the letter and the time I would be able to update it, and therefore, to all it would have been recently updated. Come to find out, a few of you checked. Consider this my long-winded apology...

The best update I have to write about, is a forthcoming addition to our family. Below is the 3D ultrasound of junior.

I am not sure who he looks like more, me or Jess? He is cute and I can say he is a squirmy little guy, so he may have the restless energy of his father and the attractive features of his mother. And just this last week, I felt him move for the first time. I am very excited for the little guy to come. We don't have any specific names picked out, but perhaps if any of you have any ideas...

I'm at a loss at what else to blog about for now, so I will keep the first blog of 2010 a short one, easy to digest, and hopefully cleverly informative.

I wish everyone a happy 2010.